It's a physical card, or a smartphone App (or both).
The CryptoPhoto Suite installs on your machines, giving you full in-house management. Branding of both Tokens and App is available.
The CryptoPhoto Appliance or Suite installs in your environment. Integration of the CP technology into your own smartphone Apps is available.
Many OpenID providers already offer CryptoPhoto tokens to their users. Choose one from our third-party-providers page, or ask your existing provider to upgrade your protection to CryptoPhoto.
The photos block phishing and other impostors from tricking users into divulging secret information into unauthorised hands. The passcodes prevent keyloggers from using stolen information.
Our API (Application Programming Interface) makes it easy for any security conscious web site operator to incorporate our multifactor bidirectional authentication into their existing login/authentication systems.
Use our Demo link to experience a live sample, or visit our API link to learn how to deploy our solution in your site or organization.